Getting started

Start Smart for Strength

Welcome to Start Smart for strength. In this section, you will build on the strong foundation of movement you have been developing and create a WELL Habit for strength training. Like other Start Smart sections, it is set up to be completed over one week, to give your mind and body time to adapt. 

By the end of this part of Exercising WELL you will:

  • know how to do strength training exercises in the way your body is designed by incorporating core stability into every movement
  • have muscle memory for these strength exercises that are designed for movements of daily life
  • have a simple yet complete routine of five to six exercises for a complete strength training routine that can be done in just 10-20 minutes twice a week. 
  • have confidence that you know how to adjust these exercises for your body right now
  • have a WELL Habit for regular strength training

Equipment: In this section we are building muscle memory so only light resistance is needed. Depending on the condition of your body, you will use a 1-3 lbs weight, an exercise band, or no resistance at all to start. Weights can be purchased at most major stores (Walmart, Target). If you are looking to purchase a set of exercise bands, click here for an example of a set that has all you would need. You will also need a sturdy chair, a wall, and the bottom step of a staircase or a step stool.

Before you get started, look back at your core Why and your Real Life Results list.  Keep them in mind as you move through this section of Start Smart.

Print the download below to use a worksheet for the strength section of Start Smart.

If you have not done so already, click here to sign up to receive daily emails with a convenient link for the section of the day each day this week.

©2020 Janet Huehls, MS,

Start Smart Strength Worksheet.pdf
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