Getting started

Welcome to Start Smart for stamina. In this section of Exercising WELL, we take a deeper dive into cardiovascular exercise and how it connects to your core Why. You create your WELL habit for cardio as you try different methods for doing cardio. Even if you are already doing cardiovascular exercise, you will learn how to approach it in a way that goes beyond just getting your heart rate up, sweating, and burning calories to giving your whole body more stamina and energy.

By the end of this section you will:

  • Know what ‘counts’ as cardio, and how to get the most from different types.
  • Know how to listen to your body to know how much is enough for cardio.
  • Have a WELL Habit for cardio three days a week.

Before you start, review your core Why and your Real Life Results. Keep them in mind as you move through this section of Start Smart. Make a note of the information that most closely relates to what is most important for your health and wellbeing.  

©2020 Janet Huehls, MS,

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